The University maintains a Sabbatical Leave Policy that is reviewed periodically as required by current conditions. A sabbatical leave provides an opportunity for professional development of tenured faculty members. Sabbaticals may be granted for one semester at full salary or for an academic year at half salary.

The primary consideration in awarding a sabbatical is to provide the opportunity for a faculty member to conduct research or other scholarly work, to acquire new teaching techniques in one's discipline, or in a new area appropriate to one's needs, or to complete a book or other original paper. Sabbaticals are limited to the availability of funds during the year of application and to substantive evaluation of the significance of the sabbatical proposal.

Faculty applying for sabbatical leave must have completed, by the time of the leave, six (6) years of full-time teaching at the University or six (6) years of full-time teaching after the completion of a previous sabbatical leave. Failure to earn approval for sabbatical at a given time does not preclude reapplying in subsequent years. Fringe benefits will be continued during the sabbatical leave unless otherwise stipulated, in writing, to the faculty member.


Faculty Handbook - Fall (1999)